How big IMPACT for children do you want to create?

Let us change the lives of children together!

How do we do it?    
We work in many different ways with corporate partners to meet the needs of children and young people we serve. We build tailor-made partnerships to support the most vulnerable ones – in line with the sustainability and CSR goals of companies. All of our actions are for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals!

Why do we need you?
Because we cannot do this big work alone! But together we can build sustainable and safe lives for children and families!

Get involved and shape the future!
Help preventing family breakdown and make children thrive in their lives.

Your direct contact:

Ms. Katalin Kovácsne Béres
Head of Leadership Giving CEE/CIS/ME
☏: +36 30 900 1387

Mr. Nikola Dunjić
Regional Capacity Building Expert CEE/CIS/ME
☏: +389 64 301 7405

Shape your communities!

You can create a change for every child by funding community projects, developing cause–related marketing campaigns with us, or supporting some of our programs like

  • Family Strengthening,​
  • Alternative Care,
  • Youth Employability,
  • Education & Development,
  • Emergency Response and many more!

Inspire young people!

Partnerships with the private sector are crucial to ensure successful outcomes for a youth employability program such as YouthCan!

How are vulnerable young people without or at risk of losing parental care supposed to know what kind of jobs exist out there and how to behave? How are they supposed to know what a proper workplace looks like if we do not give them the opportunity to see and experience one for themselves?

We cannot work alone. Corporate partners are vital to our quest to ensure that young people can lead independent lives. However, it is not always easy for the private sector to know how they can support or where. For that reason, SOS Children’s Villages has an important role to play in creating an enabling environment for companies to contribute.

Find out more on how you can get engaged by contacting us!

Guiding content notes: Reading and watching the design of this page you can notice is very basic. The idea is to give you a very basic structure from where to start.

#1: Keep it short: sometimes, despite your best efforts, your companies’ page can feel overwhelming. Share enough information to motivate companies to contact you and learn more from that contact without inundating them with too much information. Just explain the “why to work with us” question + inspire the company stakeholders to get in contact with us to develop together a joint project / cooperation concept which will help the children and families in need (through funding of projects and campaigns or supporting young people in YC!)

#2: Share contacts and ways to approach you: We always emphasize that organization are consisted of people (you), share your contacts or LinkedIn links where they can reach you and research you. People work with people, let them meet you as we always do with them.

#3: Write a Great Headline and call for action: Your companies’ page should have an attention-grabbing headline that reminds companies of why they were compelled to visit and give in the first place. Lean on action-oriented words to communicate the importance of cooperation to our organization at that moment, with an amount that will be truly impactful.

#4: Provide them options how they could engage: Share options of your programs, funding community projects, developing cause–related marketing campaigns with us, or supporting some of our programs tailored-made approach in creating projects, CSR, etc.

SEO (search engine optimization) – please read the > guiding document about website SEO to become aware that you need to take actions concerning search engine optimization as well for building a well-prepared fundraising website.